There has been much research done that shows that our thoughts have energy. The fascinating work by Dr. Emoto called “The Hidden Messages in Water” shows how the crystalline structure of water can be changed when different thoughts are sent to it and also different musical sounds. Given that we as human beings are made up of approximately 60% water, our own thoughts or other people’s positive and negative thoughts can affect us.
Cursing and wishing someone ill can do exactly that and praying for someone can assist them.
There have been tales of people wishing others to become sick and die and that has happened. And there have been many tales of people praying for someone and the person recovering miraculously.
Examples of a negative thought form about yourself are the following:-
Examples of a negative thought form towards another are the following: –
These thoughts can be just thoughts or they can be spoken or even shouted out.
However, some people are able to create spirits out of thought forms with sufficient intention.These spirits then have some kind of intelligence but no soul and they need dealing with in a completely different way to ghosts or malevolent spirits.
The names of these kinds of spirits are: –
Nicola and Leon working together can remove negative thought forms, whether they are self-created or created by another, including if they have appear to have a life of their own.
If you believe you are being affected by negative thought forms or created spirits, then please